Jan 13, 2022: SATLLA-2A and SATLLA-2B Launch: The two satellites were launched on a Space X Falcon 9 rocket. About an hour after launch, the two satellites were placed in orbit at an altitude of about 540 km. Two hours after launch, the first beacon was received from the SATLLA-2B satellite.

Jan 14, 2022: At least 20 messages were received from the SATLLA-2B satellite by radio stations around the world. The energetic condition of the satellite is excellent. No messages have been received from satellite SATLLA-2A.
Jan 15, 2022: A long beacon was received. Long beacons contain more information, such as battery status, IMU data, and GPS location. At the same time, we have seen that GPS does not work.
Jan 16, 2022: We were able to send a message to perform a simple mission to the satellite and saw that the message was indeed received.
Jan 17, 2022: Another two messages have been received by satellite SATLLA-2B.

Jan 18, 2022: More than 100 new messages have been recorded by the Ham Radio Association around the world. The new messages can be followed on tinyGS: SATLLA-2B satellite - TinyGS.
Jan 19, 2022: SATLLA-2B continues to hover overhead and transmit regularly.
Jan 20, 2022: This morning we sent a ADS -B mission command to SATLLA-2B. The command appears to have been received by the satellite. We will wait to see if messages are available for download from the satellite later.
Jan 21, 2022: We hope to get more messages from the satellite now, because we just got an update on the position of the SATLLA-2B satellite. We are planning the second mission of the satellite, which is a photography and classification mission.

Jan 23, 2022: More and more messages are being received from the satellite. We are still trying to send a mission command to the satellite. Although the message has been received by the satellite, we have not yet received any information to download from the satellite. Also, we were happy to hear that a first message was received in Dubai this morning.
Jan 24, 2022: A quick analysis of the messages received so far:
Jan 25, 2022: We are very pleased that the satellite has already sent more than 16000 messages since its launch and seems to be working well. We had concerns about power consumption and temperature, but to our delight, those concerns have been addressed.
Jan 29, 2022: We have not seen any messages for the uplink, although we have seen the satellite accept the commands sent to it. We will continue to try to send more commands.

Feb 2, 2022:
Today, for the first time, we were able to receive an acknowledge message for the command we sent. From the message, we learned that the satellite is receiving the ground station well. We are still trying to execute tasks but currently without good results.
Feb 8, 2022: In the last few days, we have conducted experiments on relay messages. According to the rules of the IARU, we must have a true “amateur” mission for the Amateur Radio Union. In this mission, the satellite can be used as a relay station for Amateur Radio messages, increasing the transmission range to thousands of kilometers. Several such experiments have already been successfully conducted in the past week.

The message was sent from Israel, received by SATLLA-2B, and retransmitted. A station in northern Europe received the relayed message, achieving a message transmission of more than 3,000 km.
Apr 14, 2022: The SATLLA-2B sensors capture a geomagnetic storm that occurred on March 14 and 15 after a moderate solar flare blasted out of the Sun's atmosphere.
